
1 Birkoff, Relativity and modern physics, by George David Birkhoff, and Rudolph Ernest Langer, 1 Jan 1923

2 Richard Feynman , Sir Douglas Robb lectures on Quantum Mechanics delivered in Auckland in 1979

3 P.A.M. Dirac, Quantum Mechanics (Oxford University Press, London, 1958, 4th ed, P.9

4 Arbab I. Arbab, The generalized Newton’s law of gravitation, Astrophys Space Sci (2010) 325: 37–40 DOI 10.1007/s10509-009-0145-0

5 Das, Mukul & Misra, Rampada. (2019). Some studies on Lorentz transformation matrix in non-cartesian co-ordinate system. Journal of Physics and Its Applications. 1. 58. 10.14710/jpa.v1i2.4951.

6 Hugh Everett, Relative State Formulation of Quantum Mechanics, Reviews of Modern Physics vol 29, (1957) 454-462. An abridged summary of The Theory of the Universal Wavefunction

7 Hartle J B 2003 Gravity: An Introduction to Einstein’s General Relativity (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley) p 200

8 Issac Newton, The Principia: Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (ed. Univ of California Press, 1999) – ISBN: 9780520935105

9 Hermann Minkowski, Address to the 80th Assembly of German Natural Scientists and Physicians, (Sep 21, 1908)